Hi-lo Skirt as Maternity Wear | Kristina x Lyndsey

Hi-Lo Skirt as Maternity Wear | Kristina x Lyndsey

Happy Thursday! Today while you’re reading this, I am most likely packing everything in my bedroom to be moved tomorrow. It was nice to be able to take a short break from packing and cleaning items (our storage container got moldy) to whip up a blog post, because the last few weeks have been so insane that I’ve only gotten dressed when I had to. Aka, for the two weddings we photographed, for the 3 family gatherings, and for my husband’s birthday since we went out for the evening.

And now we are moving this week, so this is likely the last post you’ll ever see here on my parents’ property! Which is bittersweet, because they have such a vast array of backgrounds for photography and I hate getting used to new areas. I’m definitely a closet blogger sometimes. I don’t want our neighbors to see me taking outfit pictures.Hi-Lo Skirt as Maternity Wear | Kristina x Lyndsey (Hello, little photobomber)

I requested this skirt from Lyndsey solely because hi-lo is not normally a thing I do. I’ve always felt as though my legs above the knee are a bit on the squishy side (which is normal), so I don’t tend to expose them that much. But the pattern on this skirt is so summery to me– it looks nautical — that I had to try. And I wanted to see what I could do to add retro flair to such a modern garment! Hi-Lo Skirt as Maternity Wear | Kristina x Lyndsey Hi-Lo Skirt as Maternity Wear | Kristina x Lyndsey I wasn’t too sure about the headscarf, but hey; when a mama has wet hair and no time, what else is there to do? Plus, I have so many scarves in my possession that it’s about time I started wearing them more often.

Hi-Lo Skirt as Maternity Wear | Kristina x Lyndsey

I hope you all have a fantastic Thursday!

Kristina Signature

9 thoughts on “Hi-lo Skirt as Maternity Wear | Kristina x Lyndsey

  1. Okay, you seriously NAILED that skirt! It was too short for me, but maybe you could pass it on to Rebecca if you’d like? Unless you’d like to keep it for future maternity style! ;P. I think the headscarf worked great, and I also think you are the most adorable busy mom/ moving person on the planet. I think I’m just made of 90% slob, except for what goes on the blog. hahaha


  2. I really like the headscarf! I feel like it pulls the whole look together. I am not a high low person myself, but I think so many other people pull it off brilliantly! Including you!


  3. I hope so too! It’s a duplex, and the other tenant is an older man that the landlords have known for 40 years, but so far we’ve been over there all times of day and haven’t seen him yet. We saw his car drive in once. Ha! He seems to keep his blinds closed all the time. And in the back yard we have full view of two neighboring houses, one with four or five kids, but the front yard and side of the duplex are private, so I’m sure I’ll figure something out!


  4. I think if I wasn’t pregnant I would have felt better; the underskirt hiked up over my belly so I felt like the front was going to expose my underwear. BUT otherwise it was fun! It feels really flowy and airy and nice. I might test a few more after I have this baby to see if I like them better when not pregnant, ha!


  5. Such a cute look! I too am skeptical about hi-lo skirts (just doesn’t feel like my style) but I test-drove one recently on my blog and kind of liked it – it felt airy and nice. How did you enjoy wearing it?


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