Vintage polka dots as maternity wear | Kristina x Skye

Vintage polka dot maternity wear | https://shapedbystyle.wordpress.comVintage polka dot maternity wear |

I am  super excited to get to start of the style swapping with this gorgeous dress from Skye! I think she might be the vintage queen among us all; most certainly she has the largest collection of 50’s-70’s dresses I’ve ever seen, and when she put this one up in our swap collection, I knew I had to style it! Orangey red and polka dots and a swingy skirt? Yes, please! I was mildly concerned that possibly the waist would no longer fit me and my growing belly, but thank goodness it zipped up just fine. Perhaps with a tiny bit of awkwardness since my stomach pushes all waistlines upward, but overall, worth it! Vintage polka dot maternity wear | https://shapedbystyle.wordpress.comVintage polka dot maternity wear |
One of my biggest goals right now is to show how vintage can still totally be styled while pregnant. I feel as though many pregnant women feel a bit limited in what they can wear because let’s face it: maternity wear is expensive and very one-style-focused (urban mom), and with my last pregnancy I had quite a few people ask how I managed to get through the entire thing only having bought one pair of maternity jeans, a few tops, and two dresses. I can’t even count the times I heard the complaint that pregnant women just can’t find anything non-maternity that works. But almost my entire “pregnant” wardrobe is non-maternity, so I’m here to prove that you can make things work, with a little extra time spent searching.

I’ve found that sometimes, vintage almost works better for non-maternity maternity wear than modern items — vintage maxi dresses usually have a more graceful line and more coverage and stretch than their modern counterparts, vintage skirts are usually easier to find with fullness to them, and many vintage dresses in general have higher waistlines and more forgiving silhouettes, which work really well for pregnancy.

Vintage polka dot maternity wear | Vintage polka dot maternity wear | Aside from that, though, having a willingness to size up while pregnant has been the biggest help for me! Realizing that nobody knows or cares what size you’re wearing is a pretty important key to finding a really versatile wardrobe that will see you through any size in life. All people see is how good you feel wearing what you’re wearing.
Vintage polka dot maternity wear |
Dress, Skye’s | heels, thrifted | earrings, c/o Oasap | belt, came with this skirt from Modcloth

What have you guys done to stretch your maternity wardrobe?

Happy Monday!
Kristina Signature


4 thoughts on “Vintage polka dots as maternity wear | Kristina x Skye

  1. This look is fabulous, and I love your pregnant wardrobe Pinterest board, what a great set if outfits.


  2. You’re right – there are a lot of vintage styles to choose from that are very shape friendly. Empire waists, baby doll dresses, shift dresses.. and the list goes on and on!

    You look ravishing in this red number. Those cherry earrings are just killin’ me! Too cute!

    -Hannah | The Outfit Repeater


  3. I love this look! The hair flower (?) is terrific. And I love how the contrasting belt really brings out the waistline. I am totally in awe of Skye’s wardrobe, too – this dress is on my list for a future swap for sure!


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