Stripes on Stripes | Kristina x Hannah

Stripes on Stripes | Shaped by Style Guys (or, more likely, gals) I’ll be honest with you: the only reason I’m wearing sunglasses in these photos is that I was too lazy to put on makeup. But we can pretend they’re for reasons of fabulosity, right?

Stripes on Stripes | Shaped by Style And more honesty: that picture was an unintentional one. I was falling over.

While we’re on the subject of… honesty… is anyone else really tired of winter, and also winter clothes? I am. I haven’t felt super inspired lately, and Hannah pointed out that we basically all have a case of the winter blahs here and there. Mine just happens to be now. I haven’t really wanted to get dressed all week. Then again, nothing quite fits me right now due to leftover baby weight and the fact that I’m breastfeeding. Stripes on Stripes | Shaped by Style Stripes on Stripes | Shaped by Style

So I’ll just leave you with these pictures of me pretending to be fabulous in Hannah’s striped dress, when in reality I took this outfit off five minutes after photographing it in favor of jeans because I was about to film some lifestyle video of my son in the yard/mud/wet grass.

Stripes on Stripes | Shaped by Style

dress (as a skirt) Hannah’s | shirt, belt, and shoes, thrifted | headscarf, gift from Hannah | earrings, gift/vintage | sunglasses… I don’t remember.

I hope you are all feeling much more inspired in your closets than I am!

I do, however, have a few other things to style from the SBS girls, and that helps a lot. Nothing like a borrowed closet to get your creative sartorial juices flowing again!

how she wore it Kristina |

5 thoughts on “Stripes on Stripes | Kristina x Hannah

  1. Well despite your lack of makeup (which I didn’t notice), you look fabulous! I really love the way you wear your hair scarves. I always look odd when I wear mine… I’ll have to work on that. I completely know what you mean though. I’ve been going through the winter blahs myself. I love wearing dresses but not so much when I have to pile on the layers… especially when I’m pregnant and nothing fits! I’ve been sporting painted pj bottoms and tees most of this week. Here’s to motherhood and the sometimes lazy days!
    Heather| The Arbitrary Fox


  2. I hope I look that spectacular while I’m being lazy and about to fall on my face.

    You know what I love more than stripes though? Stripes on stripes! You’re just making it rain stripes today.


  3. Lazy smazy, you look amazing! Hello! The sunglasses combined with the off the shoulder look? Sassy as heck, man! You look awesome in this outfit!!


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